Price sensitive

Maps Group: Corporate events calendar 2025

Maps Group and Ecomole awarded a tender issued by ESFA, the European Food Safety Authority

Maps Group further strengthens its role as a technological partner in the infrastructure sector thanks to a new contract award

Maps Group strengthens its partnership with leading infrastructure operators: awarded a new contract

Maps Group chosen as technological partner in the infrastructure sector confirming the success of Legality & Transparency solution

Maps Group wins contracts worth over one million euros to provide legality protocol management and access monitoring system for railway and highway construction sites

MAPS GROUP – Change in the shareholder structure

Maps Group awarded a contract worth over half a million euros for a patient journey system for the laboratories of the Marche Region

Maps Group: significant improvement of all key financial indicators in the first half of the year

Maps Group: signed contracts for the supply of its Patient Experience solution worth over half a million euros

Maps Group approves the 2023 Sustainability Report

Maps Group wins the Edison tender for the supply of the Energy Community Management Platform

Maps Group: Verification of indipendent Directors’ independence requirements

Maps Group: Notice of change in share capital

Maps Group: Change in the shareholder structure

Maps Group partecipates in “Mid&Small” Virtual 2024

Maps Group: results of the tenth and final exercise period of “Warrant Maps S.p.A. 2019-2024”

Maps Group: Press release opening of the tenth and final warrant exercise period

Maps Group partecipates in the TP ICAP Midcap Conference in Paris

Maps Group: the shareholders meeting approve the 2023 financial statement

Maps Group: The Board of Directors approved the renewal of the procedure in accordance with Article 6-bis of the Euronext Growth Milan issuers Regulation

Maps Group: notice of call of ordinary shareholders meeting

Maps Group: Resilience and recurring revenues drive growth in 2023

Maps Group: Amedments to the Shareholders’ Agreement

Maps Group: Corporate events calendar 2024

MAPS: Consob notified of update to the KID for “Warrant Maps S.p.A. 2019-2024”

Maps Group will partecipate in the Project to optimize teh Patient Experience for 40 healthcare facilities in the Abruzzo Region

Maps Group will implement the digital health services outlined in the agreement between the Abruzzo Region and the National Strategic Hub

Maps Group: Notice of change in share capital

Maps Group: Press release on the results of the ninth exercise period

Maps Group: “Maps S.p.A. Warrant 2019-2024”: Results of the ninth exercise period

Maps Group: weekly disclosure on purchases of own shares

Maps Group: Weekly disclosure on purchases of own shares

Maps Group takes part to the Next Gems Conference 2023

Maps Group: weekly disclosure on purchases of own shares

Maps Group approves the 2022 Sustainability Report

Maps Group: Weekly disclosures on purchases of own shares

Maps Group: weekly disclosure on purchases of own shares

Maps Group: Press release opening of the ninth warrant exercise period


Maps Group completes I-Tel acquisition

Maps Group: notice of change in the shareholders structure

Maps Group: change in the shareholder structure

Maps Group: notice of change in shares capital

Maps Group: Press release on the results of the eighth exercise period

Maps Group partecipate at the Mid & Small virtual 2023

Maps Group to provide personnel management software support and maintenance service for Bari ASL

Maps Group participates in “KT&Partners Annual Investors Summit Day 2023”, an event organized by KT&Partners in partnership with Virgilio

Maps Group: Press release opening of the eighth warrant exercise period

Maps Group: Maps takes part to the “TP ICAP Midcap Annual Conference”

Maps Group: Change in the shareholder structure

Maps Group: acquisition of Energenius S.r.l. completed

Maps Group: The Shareholders Meeting has approved the 2022 financial statements

Maps Group: merger by incorporation of Micuro S.r.l. into Artexe S.p.a. and Optimist S.r.l. into I-TEL S.r.l.

Maps Group: another year of growth in 2022

Maps Group : weekly disclosure on purchases of own shares

Maps Group: weekly disclosure on purchases of own shares

Maps Group: Weekly disclosure on purchases of own shares

Maps Group : weekly disclosure on purchases of own shares

Maps Group: Corporate events calendar 2023

MAPS: Consob notified of update to the KID for “WARRANT MAPS S.P.A. 2019-2024”

Maps Group : adherence to the shareholders’ agreement

Maps: weekly disclosure on purchases of own shares

Maps: weekly disclosure on purchases of own shares

Maps: weekly disclosure on purchases of own shares

Maps Group simplifies its corporate structure: approval of plans for the merger by acquisition of Optimist s.r.l. into Information Technology and Telecommunications s.r.l. and Micuro s.r.l. into Artexe s.p.a.

Maps Group: weekly disclosure on purchases of own shares

Maps: weekly disclosure on purchases of own shares

Maps: weekly disclosure on purchase of own shares

Maps: weekly disclosure on purchases of own shares

Maps: informativa settimanale acquisto azioni proprie

Maps: notice of change in share capital

Maps: weekly disclosure on purchases of own shares

Maps Group: Press release on the results of the seventh exercise period

Maps: weekly disclosure on purchases of own shares

MAPS: Weekly disclosure on purchases of own shares

Maps takes part to the Next Gems Conference 2022

Maps: the acquisition of 51% of Energenius S.r.l. has been successfully completed

Maps: perfezionata l’acquisizione del 51% di Energenius S.r.l.

Maps: weekly disclosure on purchases of own shares

Maps Group: € 4 million debenture loan issued, the amount is not convertible

Maps Group: Press release opening of the seventh warrant exercise period

Another half year of growth for the maps group: revenues +11%, EBITDA at euro 3.0 million

The energy business unit of the Maps Group is growing: binding agreements for the acquisition of 100% of Energenius s.r.l.

Maps Group approves its first sustainability report

MAPS: Adherence to the Shareholders’ Agreement

MAPS: Weekly disclosure on purchases of own shares

MAPS: Amendments to the Shareholders’ Agreement

MAPS: Resolutions ordinary and extraordinary shareholders’ meeting

MAPS: Emilia Romagna Region increases the budget capacity of the convention by an amount of about 2.8 milion Euros

MAPS: Weekly disclosure on purchases of own shares

MAPS: Finalized the acquisition of 30% of Micuro S.r.l. by Artexe S.p.A.

MAPS: Weekly disclosure on purchases of own shares

MAPS: Notice of change in share capital

MAPS: Outcomes of the 2019-2021 Stock option and Stock grant plans

MAPS: Binding agreement for the acquisition of 30% of Micuro S.r.l. by Artexe S.p.A.

MAPS: Weekly disclosure on purchases of own shares

Maps Group: Press release on the results of the sixth exercise period

MAPS: Weekly disclosures on purchases of own shares

MAPS: Weekly disclosure on purchases of own shares

MAPS: Weekly disclosure on purchases of own shares

MAPS: 30-Day period for requesting a new report by a designated expert has expired

MAPS: Weekly disclosure on purchase of own shares

MAPS: Weekly disclosure on purchase of own shares

MAPS: Launch of share buyback plan

Maps Group: Press release opening of the sixth warrant exercise period

MAPS: Opening of the sixth period of “WARRANT MAPS S.P.A. 2019-2024” 1-30 June 2022

MAPS: Acquisition of 100% of Optimist S.r.l. finalised

Maps takes part to the Euronext Growth Conference

MAPS takes part to the IX edition of the “TP ICAP Midcap Conference”

MAPS: Registration of the deed of merger by incorporation of Maps Healthcare S.r.l. into Artexe S.p.A.

Maps: The Shareholders’ Meeting has approved the 2021 Financial Statements and appointed the Corporate Bodies

MAPS awarded the tender called by Iren Group for the management of Energy Communities

MAPS, through its subsidiary I-Tel, has signed a binding agreement for the acquisition of 100% Optimist S.r.l.

MAPS: Acquisition finalised of 70% of Informatica e Telecomunicazioni S.r.l.

Maps: Merger by incorporation of Maps Healthcare S.r.l. into Artexe S.p.A.

Maps: Strong growth in performance in 2021 on 2020 and pre-Covid-19 levels

Maps: binding agreement for the acquisition of 70% of informatica e telecomunicazioni S.r.l.

Maps: Consob notified of update to the kid for “Warrant Maps S.p.a. 2019-2024”

Maps: corporate events calendar 2022

Maps: minutes of the shareholders’ meetings are registered with companies house regarding the planned merger by incorporation of Maps Healthcare s.r.l. into Artexe s.p.a.

Maps: minimum trading lot

Maps: merger approved by the incorporation of Maps Healthcare s.r.l. into Artexe s.p.a.

Maps: the board of directors approved the renewal of the supervisory board

Maps: the process of simplifying the corporate structure is continuing, the plan for the merger by incorporation of Maps Healthcare s.r.l. in Artexe s.p.a. is entered in register of companies

Maps: contract signed with Asst Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda for a total amount of 575 thousand Euro

Maps confers 17.04% of the share capital of Iasi s.r.l. to Maps Healthcare

Maps takes part to the next GEMs Conference 2021

Maps: notice of change in share capital

Maps: substantial change of significant shareholder

Maps Group: Press release on the results of the fifth exercise period

Maps takes part to the XXI edition of “European Midcap Event”

Maps Group: Press release opening of the fifth warrant exercise period

Maps: opening of the fifth exercise period of the “Maps S.p.a. warrants 2019-2024” 1-31 october 2021

The Maps Group reports significant growth in performance over 1H 2020 and pre-Covid-19 levels

Maps: notice of change in share capital

Maps is awarded the tender called by EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) for a total amount of 800 thousand

Maps is awarded the 399 thousand-euro tender called by Azienda Ospedaliera Ospedali Riuniti Marche Nord

Maps: acquisition of 100% of Iasi srl, board of directors’ verifications successfully concluded

Maps: update of 2021 corporate events calendar

Maps is awarded the 399 thousand-euro tender called by Azienda Ospedaliera Ospedali Riuniti Marche Nord

Maps: acquisition of 100% of Iasi srl completed

Maps: notice of change in share capital

Maps: binding agreement for the acquisition of 100% of Iasi srl, software factory specialising in integrated information system for public and private healthcare

Maps: acquisition of the remaining 7,94% of the share capital of Maps healtcare closed

Maps: binding agreement for the acquisition of the reaining 7,94% of the share capital of maps healthcare

Maps: significant shareholder substantial change

Maps: notice of change in share capital

Maps Group: Press release on the results of the fourth exercise period

Maps Warrants 2019-2024: Results of the fourth exercise period

Maps takes part in the Mid&Small 2021 Spring

Maps is awarded the tender called by the regional health service of Emilia Romagna for a total amount of 369 thousand euros

Maps Group: Press release on the opening of the fourth exercise period

Maps: opening of the fourth exercise period of the “Maps S.p.a. Warrants 2019-2024” 1-30 June 2021

Notice of Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting

Maps Group: Press release on the results of the third warrant exercise period

Maps Group: Press release on the opening of the warrant exercise period

Maps Group: Press release suspending the warrant exercise period

Maps Group: Press release on the results of the second warrant exercise period

Maps Group: Press release on the opening of the warrant exercise period

Maps Group: Press release on the results of the first warrant exercise period

Non Price sensitive

Maps Group selected for the management and monitoring of Autostrade Siciliane’s performance

Maps Group optimizes the corporate structure through the merger of SCS Computers S.r.l. into Artexe S.p.A.

Maps Group chosen for the evolution of the Patient Experience at the San Camillo Forlanini Hospital in Rome

Maps Group selected by the Municipality of Velletri for integrated control and planning management software

Maps Group selected by a major Italian SICAF for energy monitoring of its properties

Maps Group selected to digitalize the Patient Experience of a Major Hospital Company in Campania Region

Maps Group selected to support the Ministry of University and Research in managing organizational and individual performance

Maps Group in charge of integration of Laboratory Information Systems in the Marche Region

Maps Group enhances its Patient Experience services with the integration of Wayfinding functionality

Maps Group participates in the “HERO” project to optimize the energy efficiency of large-scale industrial systems and commercial buildings

Maps Group participates in the European project “PROGRESS” to maximize self-balancing and stability of energy cooperative networks

Maps Group announces partnership with STEP green-tech for the promotion of energy monitoring, control, and optimization solutions

Maps Group will provide the Valle d’Aosta USL with the platform for the evaluation of prescription appropriateness

Maps Group will support the Novara Hospital Company in migrating to PSN cloud

Italsoft Group chooses Maps Group’s ROSE Energy Community platform

Maps Group participates in the European project HARMONISE for the optimization of resources in Positive Energy Districts

The Teramo Local Health Authority renews the use of Maps Group products for the digitalization of health processes

Maps Group signs an agreement with Sicilia Pension Fund for the monitoring of sustainable performance

Maps Group partecipate to the HELIOS project, funded by the European Union, for the optimization of building energy management

Maps Group chosen by Eurocommercial for monitoring consumption in all of its shopping centers in Italy

Energy Communities: €5.7 billion in incentives will open the door to a new software market


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