Our commitment to a sustainable corporate culture is strong and deeply rooted: Maps Group has pursued a growth strategy in recent years, with sustainability being one of its cornerstones.
For Maps Group, sustainability is expressed through a comprehensive system of actions that embrace the entire life of the company. Our primary focus is on people to whom Maps Group pays utmost attention, promoting the creation of an optimal work environment that prioritizes well-being.
At Maps Group, we have established Maps Habitat, an organizational model that enables each individual to flexibly choose how to alternate between remote work and office work, while maintaining a weekly in-person meeting with colleagues.
This project places people at the center and takes into account the environmental impact.
In confirmation of the Group’s commitment to well-being, Welfare Index PMI has decided to award our dedication to creating a positive and stimulating work environment with the highest recognition. With the top rating of 5W – Welfare Champion, Maps is one of 105 companies in all of Italy to be acknowledged for the breadth and intensity of its welfare program.
Welfare Index PMI is a tool that allows companies to assess and communicate their welfare level in a simple and intuitive manner. In doing so, corporate welfare becomes a competitive advantage, capable of fostering a continuous path of growth. This growth incentive is further confirmed by the fact that we managed to achieve the highest recognition of 5W in 2021, 2022 and 2024, following our attainment of the 4W rating – Welfare Leader in both 2019 and 2020.
To inquire about our sustainability efforts, please send an email to: sostenibilita@mapsgroup.it or fill out the form.
Maps Group