22 March 2024

PARMENIDES Project: Maps Group attends General Assembly in Graz

Progetto Parmenides_ incontro a Graz

Two days of meetings to review project developments and define next steps

The PARMENIDES General Assembly was held in Graz, Austria, a few days ago. The members of the consortium, among which Maps Group is one, met to discuss and share updates on the project.

In particular, progress was reported on the design of the software architecture, cyber security and reliability, and the preparation of pilot projects. The consortium also analysed the topic of future business models to be adopted in order to make the most of the main results to be achieved.

Assemblea generale Parmenides - Cattani_Vieri

All the working groups involved, from various EU countries, presented their contributions. Two intense days of activities, which also saw the participation of our own Gian Luca Cattani, Innovation & Development Director and Vieri Emiliani, Head of Innovation.

During the Assembly, the partners made a field visit to one of the pilot partners in Styria, also in Austria, gaining a concrete insight into the operational processes. This practical experience provided a real-time demonstration of the functionality of the various systems already implemented at the PARMENIDES demonstration site.

Assemblea generale Parmenides_visita pilota

Learn more about Maps Group’s experience in the European PARMENIDES project, which will help develop energy management services for hybrid storage systems.