30 March 2023

Maps S.p.A: the company obtains the renewal and the increase of its legality rating

Maps S.p.A has requested, and obtained, the renewal of its Legality Rating from the Italian Competition and Market Authority (Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato): on the basis of the statements made by the company and the evaluations carried out the Authority granted the renewal, and increased its score from ★++ to ★★+.

The Legality Rating is a free indicator of observance of elevated ethical and legal standards from companies who submit applications.

It is presented as a score between a minimum of one “star” and a maximum of three: ★★★. The baseline score can be incremented by a ‘+’ for each additional requirement met by the company.

Thanks to this increase Maps S.p.A. will be able to benefit from greater competitive advantages, for examples:

  • greater transparency and visibility on the market;
  • better reputational reception.