18 June 2021

Maps Group, future-oriented solutions for new business models. Interview with Marco Ciscato

The fourth edition of the AIM Italia Conference 2021 took place this year. The event, organised by Borsa Italiana, offers an opportunity to take stock of the achievements and prospects of SMEs listed on the AIM Italia market and seek capital to finance growth. 

For this edition, Giuseppe Castellini, editor-in-chief of Italia Informa, a magazine focusing on Italian excellence and listed companies, which aspires to be an educational tool for well-informed public opinion, interviewed Marco Ciscato, CEO of Maps Group. 

The interview with Marco Ciscato 

Maps Group’ directions of growth are pretty clear“, explained Marco Ciscato, immediately presenting the Company’s core business.

We work in digital transformation and, in this context, have chosen to specialise very strongly by creating proprietary software solutions that are now strongly focused on the energy and health market and governance models to create public value. In healthcare, as in Maps Group’ other markets, our offerings have a common denominator: extracting value from data and helping customers review their business models.” 

The Chairman of Maps Group then outlined the approach taken when researching and designing the solutions for the market. 

As our approach is based on proprietary solutions, we have devised and developed a standardised procedure that relies on understanding the needs of the target market, identifying those to which Maps can provide effective and innovative answers and, finally, designing and developing new applications, accompanied, over the years, by the maintenance of our software assets.

The future prospects are also clear and concrete: 

“Thus, Research and Development is a crucial area of our business, and the growth results of our proprietary solutions have confirmed the soundness of our investments. The commitment is to go beyond the acquisitions made to date, which represent an excellent starting point to focus on new operations we are already working on and hope to conclude soon.

Choose Maps Group 

So why choose Maps Group? Because it is a company that supports the Digital Transformation of organisations and companies and provides them with the ability to collect, analyse and interpret complex data to: 

  • make the best decisions and define new and more sustainable business models; 
  • guide their transformation into a Data-Driven Company.

Watch the complete interview: