30 March 2023

Maps Group gets a seat at the Consip framework agreement



Maps Group gets a seat at the consip framework agreement for application services in the area of management information systems for public administrations of the Sistema Sanitario Nazionale (national health system)

Following the publication of the Ranking List for the assignment of a framework agreement for the provision of application services in the area of “Digital Health – Management Information Systems” for the public administrations of the National Health System, Maps Group, through its subsidiary Artexe S.p.A., has been awarded, within the RTI with Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A., the first and third position respectively in territorial lots 3 (North) and 4 (Centre-South).

We specify that the current Ranking List is “Definitive but not effective”, as the last verifications on the possession of the general requirements by the companies included in the awarded RTIs are still in progress. Once the verifications are completed, the Ranking will become Effective and the direct awarding and specific tenders will begin.

The framework agreement provides Lots 3 and 4 an overall amount of EUR 380 million for the award of Data Governance services such as Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence, Data Analytics, Open Data, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning (ml), Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Natural Language Understanding.

For each of these lots, 60% of the allocated resources can be allocated by direct awards, while the remaining part will be allocated through specific tenders, in which only the companies of the selected RTIs will be able to participate.

As a result of the position obtained by the RTI, Artexe could potentially obtain 1,4% of the direct awards of Lot 3 and 0,7% of those of Lot 4, for a total amount of euro 2.3 million.

In addition to direct awards, Artexe will also have an advantageous position in the awarding of further specific tenders, through which the remaining 40% of the allocated resources will be spent.

Would you like to know more about how Consip tenders and the National Health System supply system work? Read more in our article: The supply of the National Health System and the opportunities for Maps Group – Maps Group