7 February 2022

Maps Group: the group’s ability to act as a reference partner for digital transformation is growing

“We closed the first half with satisfaction as the excellent performances highlight the Group’s ability to act as a reference partner for digital transformation. The growth in revenues (+ 25%) was significant, driven in particular by the Healthcare (+ 60%) and ESG (+ 24%) divisions”.

Marco Ciscato, Chairman of Maps Group

The main results

Maps Group closes the first half of the 2021 financial activity with satisfaction. In fact, the following are recorded:

  • a 27% increase in the production value;
  • a 25% increase in revenues, driven in particular by the Healthcare, ESG and Large Enterprise divisions.

The performance of this period is significantly positive, even when compared with the pre-Covid-19 levels of 30 June 2019, demonstrating a progress which goes beyond a recovery from the global production depression triggered by the pandemic.

Significant events subsequent to the end of the half year

“The substantial improvement in the Net Financial Position will allow the Company to undertake future strategic investments, in addition to those already made in the Healthcare sector”.

Marco Ciscato

During the half year ended, Maps also strengthened its role in the Healthcare sector through

  • the acquisition of 100% of Iasi S.r.l., a software factory specialising in integrated information systems for healthcare;
  • the acquisition of the residual 7.94% of Maps Healthcare S.r.l.

A strategic market with great growth prospects, in the Healthcare sector Maps will thus be able to offer a more complete range of products which will generate benefits in terms of revenues as well as top operational flexibility and effectiveness in order to seize opportunities for future healthcare operations.

The digital future

The growth forecasts of the digital market in the next three years will be strongly conditioned by the implementation of the NRRP. The sectors that may have the best growth margins are expected to be Public Administration, Healthcare, Industry, Telecommunications, Travel & Transportation and Energy & Utilities which, to a great degree, coincide with those on which the MAPS Group has focused its investments in recent years.

Future strategic investments therefore await the MAPS Group, which will further consolidate its position on the reference markets, allowing the group to present itself as a solid partner for digital transformation.

For more information, read the Press Release.