15 January 2024

Maps Group, the new regulations on energy communities are accelerating business

Interviewed by Growth Italia, the president of Maps Group, Marco Ciscato, analyzes the potential business developments in energy.

There is a significant push across Europe towards self-consumption of energy from renewable sources.

With the European Union’s approval of incentives for the development of Renewable Energy Communities (RECs) – where citizens, businesses, and local institutions collaborate to produce, consume, and share sustainable energy – RECs can become a widespread and concrete reality in the country as well.

Renewable Energy Communities will:

  • promote energy decentralization;
  • reduce dependence on unsustainable sources;
  • facilitate the transition to a renewable energy system.

Maps Group has embraced the challenge and has already contributed to the growth of several energy community projects across Italy, collaborating with highly qualified operators to promote virtuous community behaviors.

To support and facilitate this development, Maps Group has developed the ROSE Energy Community solution, a software that simplifies and optimizes the activities of creating and managing RECs, digitizing feasibility analysis, monitoring, and energy data management processes.

In the interview with Growth Italia, President Marco Ciscato analyzed the company’s future business expectations, focusing on the benefits for Italian local communities engaged in the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), and expanding the view to potential European involvement of ROSE, a customizable and interoperable solution for the comprehensive management of renewable energy sources.