
Analista Data Target price € Rating
Davide Longo 25/07/2024 5.20 BUY
Davide Longo 02/07/2024 5.20 BUY
Davide Longo 26/05/2024 5.20 BUY
Davide Longo 27/03/2024 5.20 BUY


25/07/2024Midcap - Edison has chosen the Rose solution from Maps Group.
02/07/2024Midcap - Energy communities are starting to flourish
26/05/2024Midcap - Expertes in extracting value from data
27/03/2024Midcap - Maps Group continues to Growth (FY 2023 Results Update)
25/01/2024Midcap - 2024 will be the year of Energy Communities


14/12/2023Midcap - Healthcare and Energy, the 2 pillars of Maps Group
25/09/2023Midcap - 1H 2023 Results
15/05/2023Midcap: a Stroll between Proprietary Solutions
27/03/2023Midcap - A Year of Investment in M&A and R&D (FY 2022 Analysis)


25/11/2022ROSE Smart Energy Platform, Flagship of the Energy BU - Midcap
27/09/2022Maps, company update 1H 2022 - Midcap
19/09/2022Maps, focus on the Energy division - Midcap
30/03/2022Maps, company update – Midcap


23/09/2021Initiation of coverage - Midcap


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