Shareholders’ Meeting


Minute of Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting – 29th April
Notice of Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
Directors’ Report – 1 agenda item
Directors’ Report – 2 agenda item
The Audit Committee’s reasoned proposal for the appointment of the statutory auditor pursuant to Article 13 of Legislative Decree No. 39/2010 – third item
Proxy form pursuant to ex art. 2372 c.c.


2023 Consolidated Financial Statements – Maps Group
Maps Spa 2023 Separate Financial Statements – Maps S.p.A.
Report on operations – Maps S.p.A.
Report on operations – Maps Group
Report of the Independent Auditors – Maps Spa
Report of the Independent Auditors – Maps Group
Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors


Notice of Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
Directors’ Report – 1 agenda item
Directors’ Report – 2 agenda item
Proxy form pursuant to ex art. 2372 c.c.
Amendment of Notice of Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of 27.04.2023


2022 Consolidated Financial Statements – Maps Group
Maps Spa 2022 Separate Financial Statements – Maps S.p.A.
Report on operations – Maps S.p.A.
Report on operations – Maps Group
Report of the Independent Auditors – Maps Spa
Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors
Report of the Independent Auditors – Maps Group


Proxy form pursuant to art. 135-novies TUF
Explanatory report of the Board of Directors on the approval of the stock grant plan and the capital increase to service the stock grant plan
Explanatory report of the Board of Directors on the allocation of the delegation to increase the Company’s share capital and the simultaneous revocation of the previous delegation granted to the Board of Directors
Explanatory report of the Board of Directors on the approval of the stock option plan and the capital increase to service the stock option plan
Opinion of the Board of Statutory Auditors on the fairness of the issue price of the shares in relation to the increase in share capital to service the stock option plan
Maps Group Remuneration Policy 2022-2024
Notice of call of ordinary and extraordinary shareholders’ meeting
Minutes of the ordinary and extraordinary meeting of 28.07.2022
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of 28.04.2022
Proxy form pursuant to art. 135-undecies TUF
Directors’ Report – 1 agenda item
Directors’ Report – 2 agenda item
Directors’ Report – 3 agenda item
Directors’ Report – 4 agenda item
Notice of Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
Directors’ Report – 5 agenda item


Report of the Independent Auditors – Maps Group
Report on operations – Maps Group
Report on operations – Maps S.p.A.
2021 separate financial statements – Maps Spa
2021 Consolidated Financial Statements – Maps Group
Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors


1 – List of the appointment of the Board of Directors
Declaration of acceptance of office Director Marco Ciscato
Declaration of acceptance of office Director Maurizio Pontremoli
Declaration of acceptance of office Gian Luca Cattani
Declaration of acceptance of indipendent director Rosa Grimaldi
Declaration of acceptance of indipendent director Paolo Pietrogrande
Curriculum Vitae Marco Ciscato
Curriculum Vitae Maurizio Pontremoli
Curriculum Vitae Gian Luca Cattani
Curriculum Vitae Rosa Grimaldi
Curriculum Vitae Paolo Pietrogrande


1 – List of the appointment of the Board of Statutory Auditors
Declaration of acceptance of the mayor’s office Albini
Declaration of acceptance of the mayor’s office Barontini
Declaration of acceptance of the mayor’s office Pipolo
Annex to the declaration of Albini
Annex to the declaration of Barontini
Annex to the declaration of Pipolo
Curriculum Vitae Roberto Barontini
Curriculum Vitae Federico Albini
Curriculum Vitae Pierluigi Pipolo
Declaration of acceptance of the substitute mayor’s office Mirco Diotalevi
Curriculum Vitae Mirco Diotalevi
Declaration of acceptance Giuseppe Salamini
Curriculum Vitae Giuseppe Salamini


Proxy form pursuant to art. 135-undecies TUF
Proxy form pursuant to art. 135-novies TUF
Notice of Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
Minutes of the extraordinary meeting of 27.4.2021 (part II)
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of 27.4.2021 (part I)
Explanatory report of the Board of Directors on the first item on the agenda of the ordinary part
Explanatory report of the Board of Directors on the second item on the agenda of the ordinary part
Explanatory report of the Board of Directors on the third item on the agenda of the ordinary part
Remuneration and incentive policy of the Maps Group 2021-2023 (fourth item on the agenda of the ordinary part)
Explanatory report of the Board of Directors on the first item on the agenda of the extraordinary part
Statement Prof. Rosa Grimaldi
Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors for the appointment of the statutory audit pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree no. 39/2010 fifth item on the agenda of the ordinary part


Report on operations – Maps Group
Report of the Independent Auditors – Maps Group
Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors
Maps Spa 2020 Separate Financial Statements – Maps S.p.A.
Report of the Independent Auditors – Maps Spa
2020 Consolidated Financial Statements – Maps Group
Report on operations – Maps S.p.a.
2020 Consolidated Financial Statements – Maps Group


Opinion of the Board of Statutory Auditors pursuant to art. 2 441, paragraphs 4 and 5, of the Italian Civil Code
Report of the Board of Directors on the agenda items
Proxy form pursuant to article 2372 of the Italian Civil Code.
Notice of Shareholders’ Meeting
Minutes of the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of 20.10.2020
Minutes of the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of 28.04.2020
Directors’ Report – 2 agenda item
Directors’ Report – 1 agenda item
Proxy form pursuant to art. 135-undecies TUF
Proxy form pursuant to art. 135-novies TUF
Notice of Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting



Directors’ Report – 1st agenda item
Directors’ Report – 2nd agenda item
Proxy Form
Notice of Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
Minutes of the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of 14.05.2019
